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Friday, November 6, 2009

Abstract Class vs Interface with example

Abstract Class

-An abstract class is a special kind of class that cannot be instantiated.
-An abstract class is only to be sub-classed (inherited from).
-It enforces certain hierarchies for all the subclasses.
- A class may inherit only one abstract class, but may implement multiple number of Interfaces.


-An interface is not a class
-Interface have only Signature.
It does not have Contructor,destructor,Fileds


*A class may inherit only one abstract class, but may implement multiple number of Interfaces. Say a class named Car needs to inherit some basic features of a vehicle, it may inherit from an Aabstract class named Vehicle. A car may be of any kind, it may be a vintage car, a sedan, a coupe, or a racing car. For these kind of requirements, say a car needs to have only two seats (means it is a coupe), then the class Car needs to implement a member field from an interface, that we make, say ICoupe.

*Members of an abstract class may have any access modifier, but members of an interface are public by default, and cant have any other access modifier.

*Abstract class methods may OR may not have an implementation, while methods in an Interface only have a definition, no implementation.

*Interface is used to "implements"; whereas abstract class is used to "extends".

* Interface can "extends" another interface, abstract class can "extends" another class and "implements" multiple interfaces.


Multiple inheritance:

Abstract class- A class may inherit only one abstract class.

Interface - A class may inherit several interfaces.

Access Modfiers

An abstract class can contain access modifiers for the subs, functions, properties

An interface cannot have access modifiers for the subs, functions, properties etc everything is assumed as public


Abstract class- Fast

Interface -Requires more time to find the actual method in the corresponding classes.



Abstract Class

public abstract class Employee
//we can have fields and properties

//in the Abstract class

protected String id;
protected String lname;
protected String fname;


public abstract String ID

public abstract String FirstName

public abstract String LastName
//completed methods

public String Update()
return "Employee " + id + " " +
lname + " " + fname +
" updated";
//completed methods

public String Add()
return "Employee " + id + " " +
lname + " " + fname +
" added";
//completed methods

public String Delete()
return "Employee " + id + " " +
lname + " " + fname +
" deleted";
//completed methods

public String Search()
return "Employee " + id + " " +
lname + " " + fname +
" found";

//abstract method that is different

//from Fulltime and Contractor

//therefore i keep it uncompleted and

//let each implementation

//complete it the way they calculate the wage.

public abstract String CalculateWage();




public interface IEmployee

// protected String id;
// protected String lname;
// protected String fname;

//just signature of the properties

//and methods.

//setting a rule or contract to be

//followed by implementations.

String ID

String FirstName

String LastName

// cannot have implementation

// cannot have modifiers public

// etc all are assumed public

// cannot have virtual

String Update();

String Add();

String Delete();

String Search();

String CalculateWage();


we cannot call abstract class directly, so create a child class to inherit the abstract class:


Emp_Fulltime- Child Class.

Employee- Abstract Class.

public class Emp_Fulltime : Employee

public Emp_Fulltime()

public override String ID

return id;
id = value;

public override String FirstName

return fname;
fname = value;

public override String LastName

return lname;
lname = value;

//common methods that are

//implemented in the abstract class

public new String Add()
return base.Add();
//common methods that are implemented

//in the abstract class

public new String Delete()
return base.Delete();
//common methods that are implemented

//in the abstract class

public new String Search()
return base.Search();
//common methods that are implemented

//in the abstract class

public new String Update()
return base.Update();

//abstract method that is different

//from Fulltime and Contractor

//therefore I override it here.

public override String CalculateWage()
return "Full time employee " +
base.fname + " is calculated " +
"using the Abstract class...";


class - Emp_fulltime2

Interface - IEmployee

public class Emp_fulltime2 : IEmployee
//All the properties and

//fields are defined here!

protected String id;
protected String lname;
protected String fname;

public Emp_fulltime2()

// TODO: Add constructor logic here



public String ID

return id;
id = value;

public String FirstName
return fname;

fname = value;

public String LastName
return lname;
lname = value;

//all the manipulations including Add,Delete,

//Search, Update, Calculate are done

//within the object as there are not

//implementation in the Interface entity.

public String Add()
return "Fulltime Employee " +
fname + " added.";

public String Delete()
return "Fulltime Employee " +
fname + " deleted.";

public String Search()
return "Fulltime Employee " +
fname + " searched.";

public String Update()
return "Fulltime Employee " +
fname + " updated.";

//if you change to Calculatewage().

//Just small 'w' it will raise

//error as in interface

//it is CalculateWage() with capital 'W'.

public String CalculateWage()
return "Full time employee " +
fname + " caluculated using " +


public void Call_Interface()

private void InterfaceExample_Click(object sender,
System.EventArgs e)


IEmployee emp;

Emp_fulltime2 emp1 = new Emp_fulltime2();

emp = emp1;
emp.ID = "2234";
emp.FirstName= "Rahman" ;
emp.LastName = "Mahmoodi" ;
//call add method od the object


//call the CalculateWage method


catch(Exception ex)



public void call_AbstractClass()

Employee emp;

emp = new Emp_Fulltime();

emp.ID = "2244";
emp.FirstName= "Maria" ;
emp.LastName = "Robinlius" ;

//call the CalculateWage method




Codeproject: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/abstractsvsinterfaces.aspx

DotnetSpider: http://www.dotnetspider.com/resources/20897-What-Difference-Between-Interface-abstract.aspx

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